This is a special box with dark chocolate ganaches and other low lactose products. I changed the chocolates to be as low in lactose as possible, so I hope you enjoy!
Special Flavors

Honeydew Melon and Mint Dark Chocolate Ganache
Honeydew is a very light flavor, and trying to get it across dark chocolate took some experimenting. In the end, backing the ganache with mint and bit of tarragon helped bring out the herby flavor of the melon! It adds this delicate sweetness and slight texture to the ganache that is so lovely.

Coconut Delight
Toasted Almonds with Coconut Filling
Almond Joys were one of the Halloween goodies I was more than happy to pawn off to my parents. I never liked the coconut filling taste or how sweet it was, and the almonds seemed like an afterthought. I didn’t know any kids who did like them, so they were either trash or the parents’ treats. I can’t say that I ever really developed a love for Almond Joy, but I do appreciate coconut now. This coconut filling is pretty similar to a coconut macaroon, with deeply toasted almonds. If this is what Almond Joy was growing up, maybe I would have appreciated them more!

Dark Witherspoon's
Peanut Butter Cup
Reese’s are such a quintessential Halloween candy. They are a favorite all over the US, and their simplicity is the key. A light peanut butter filling, milk chocolate coating, that’s it. In this case, I went with dark chocolate to lessen the dairy. To recreate it, I made peanut butter with beautifully toasted peanuts, and made a paste with sugar syrup (not unlike a meringue or nougat technique). The result is a peanut butter filling that is a little toothy, but melts away in your mouth. I tempered my dark chocolate, unlike Reese’s cups are normally. I like having a little snap and texture to the chocolate instead of just soft melty chocolate.