Monthly Flavors for June – Y’all Means All

Happy Pride Month! All over the US, pride parades and festivals fill the weekends with fun and love. This is a month for all LGBTQIA+ peoples to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of previous generations’ fight for our civil rights. Pride was born out of the Stonewall Riots in Greenwich Village in New York City, 1969. There, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club, and the patrons resisted as the raid got voilent. One of the police officers hit butch lesbian Stormé  DeLarvarie as he tried to arrest her, and as she called for help the patrons rushed to fight back against the police brutality. It started with a fight, and we continue the fight for our rights today.

June is also Father’s Day! It is a month filled with stone fruit, berries, and flowers everywhere. The flavors are bursting with the flavors of the season, almost as full as the stalls at the farmer’s market!

This Month's Flavors


Tomato Jam with Horseradish Milk Chocolate Ganache

It’s a Bloody Mary! In a chocolate! The ganache is flavored with horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, and celery. The tomato jam is super flavorful, and it really is like having the drink itself. It is a common joke in the LGBTQIA+ community that we love brunch (and there are many off-shoots on that joke) and Bloody Marys are a very popular brunch drink.

The pride flag is the all-encompassing LGBTQIA+ symbol. The flag has undergone some changes, but my personal favorite is the progress flag. It includes a triangle with the trans flag colors and black and brown stripes. It shows how we celebrate humanity in its diversity, no matter your color or sexual or gender orientation.


Cherry and Star Anise Caramel

Juicy cherries are in abundance right now! Obviously, I had to have them somewhere this month. The sweet tanginess of cherry pairs so well with the licorice-ish flavor of star anise. Combine that in a caramel, and this chocolate is decadent. Sweet, complex, and definitely one that evolves!

Aromantics are people who feel little or no romantic attraction to others. Being aromantic does not mean that you do not value other relationships, nor does it mean you must be asexual as well. Like all orientations, there is a spectrum and aromantics fall farther on one side. It is also a catch-all term for anyone on that spectrum, like gray-aromantic or demiromantic. 


Nettle Gel with Angostura Bitters White Chocolate Ganache

Angostura bitters were originally made as a medicinal tincture for stomach aches in 1824. Quickly, the bitters became an ingredient in many cocktails, as the flavor alone was harsh. Nettles have also long been seen as a medicinal remedy for millennia, used for muscle and joint pain among other things. This chocolate may not cure all your bodily woes, but it sure is delicious! Full of herbal flavor from the nettles, the bitters bring in warming spice flavors to round it out. 

Pansexuality is the attraction to people no matter gender identity or sex. We like to say we are attracted to hearts, not parts! Pansexuality is part of the bisexual umbrella, covering all non-monosexualities. Unfortunately, we face a lot of erasure and biphobia from the LGBTQIA+ community as well as the heterosexual community. Just remember, it isn’t a phase or a choice, and we aren’t “half-gay” nor are we doing this for attention. 


Strawberry and Bird’s Eye Chili Ruby Chocolate Ganache

Strawberry season is in full swing right now! They are so spectacularly deep red and juicy. Paired with bird’s eye chili, the flavor is intensely summery. First, sweet refreshing berry. Then, the burn of chili spice in the back of the throat. Lovely!

Intersex is the modern term for hermaphroditic, where someone is born with a discrepancy between the internal and external genitalia. Put more simply, the person’s sexual or reproductive anatomy doesn’t fit the female/male binary. This is not a sexual, gender, or romantic orientation. It is included in the LGBTQIA+ community though because it is just another way people are different and we love to celebrate all the gorgeous variety in humanity.


Lemon and Matcha Dark Chocolate Ganache

Matcha is a special preparation of a certain kind of green tea leaves where they are ground finely into a lovely green powder. However, instead of being steeped and removed like other teas, the powder is blended directly into the water or milk. It has the telltale herby bitterness of green tea, with some sweetness and earthiness. Paired with lemon, this chocolate is bright and lightly bitter from the matcha and dark chocolate.

Asexuals are people who do not experience or have low sexual attraction. There is a range of asexuality, much like aromanticism. Often shortened to ace, asexuals face a lot of erasure. Aces can have deep relationships, romantic life partners, and can enjoy sex. It is not a fear of intimacy, it is not a trauma response, and it is not abstinence or celibacy. 


Cassis and Rose White Chocolate Ganache

Cassis is blackcurrant, a type of berry native to central and northern Europe and northern Asia. It is a very intense “berry” flavor, with a bit of tartness and an almost cherry-like finish. With the rose, this chocolate is sweet and light, floral and juicy. 

Lesbians are women who are attracted to other women. The name comes from the island of Lesbos, where the ancient Greek poet Sappho was from. Sappho wrote beautiful lyric poems, often regarded as one of the best poets and nicknamed “The Tenth Muse.” She wrote of her love for women and their beauty, and so is seen as a symbol for lesbians. 

This Month's Gallery

Cookie Flavors

#1 Raspberry Limoncello Cookies

Limoncello is a quintessentially summer drink. The cold lemon liquor is so refreshing and cuts through the heat wonderfully. Paired with raspberries, these cookies are tangy, light, and gorgeously citrusy. And, they are beautiful too! 

#2 Rainbow Black and White Cookies

Believed to have been created in 1902 at Glaser’s Bake Shop in Manhattan, these cookies are a mainstay of the city. These are based on Melissa Clark’s recipe, who did intense recipe testing and tasting throughout the city. They are cakey, with each half having a wonderful chocolate or vanilla flavor. 

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